
Experience Horizon presents an opportunity for you to try out some outputs from our research and provides information on up and coming events that you may be interested in attending. We’d really like to know what you think, so please leave your feedback and if there’s something you really enjoy, please share it with your friends so that they can try it out too! Some of the Experience Horizon content may not work on all platforms or devices and may have some glitches. If something looks broken, please let us know by via the ‘Contact us’ facility.


This project investigates a privacy-aware personal data platform in a digital world, highlighting that almost everything we do now leaves digital footprints – data about us and what we have done.

Click on the image above to access a video link about Databox.


Our Artcodes technology allows users to interact with all manner of decorative imagery and patterns. It is triggered using a smart phone with our app. Users simply point the app at an image and the app triggers whatever interaction has been allocated to the code embedded in the image.


Try out Artcodes 


ArtMaps asks you ‘what happens when you try to put a painting on a map?’. Do you try and find the place where the artwork was painted or something else, and what do you do with non-landscape works like abstract paintings?

Try out the ArtMaps platform and see how you would place artworks from the Tate collection on a map and experience art from a new perspective.


Wander Anywhere gives artists, walkers, treasure hunters and anyone else with a creative bone the means to create locative media – text, images, videos and audio clips, tied to locations – and drop them outside onto the landscape for others to find.

Try out the Wander Anywhere Platform